Right well i've had a bit of a play with a couple of the images in PS to create something that i feel brings the pictures more to life and more of a sense of play with them too, instead of 'just a car'
dont criticise me on my cutting out techniques, as i have only done a quick job to play with the composition and colours, nothing is finalised.

So what are peoples views? do they look alright? Which one's best?
I'm not sure really how I'm going to choose on my 10 images and whether they will be 10 different locations or not? But i think they will all hopefully flow together and work together.
I also need to work out how i'm going to present the images, currently i'm thinking of a small book thing.. maybe like 10 different postcards bound together.. hmmm.. need to think abput that.
overall i'm quite happy at how this batch have turned out, though think i need a few more shoots yet to complete the collection..