Wednesday, 14 April 2010

What a week

My word, what a week.. I cant begin to explain various things that are going on at the moment but its leaving me a little messed up. Anyhoot, on to the blog.

I need to update with some more recent images which I will in good time. I have to admit I am struggling a little with finding some locations for this project as I dont seem to be able to recreate the ideas I have in my mind. I am also less able to control the lighting as I thought I would be, but maybe this is less important than I had originally foreseen as some car photographers can use ambient light depending on what kind of image they're trying to create.

I am still aiming to retain a playful/artistic kind of feel to my images and produce a selection of wide angle and close up shots, perhaps sticking to three images from three locations and one main image.

So then, onward and upward, hoping to get some more images this week to add to the others..

1 comment:

  1. cheer up chuck!!
    Looking forward to seeing some more recent images. I think you would find it difficult to get 10 different locations - and you dont want to stress yourself out anymore so i think you are right to stick to just 3 locations. In comment to previous post - i agree with Ricki that postcards would work - as its always good to do something different than a book.
